The Wise Owl Nursery is open throughout the year, except for Statutory (Bank) Holidays, when the nursery will be closed.
In the event of a child becoming ill whilst in our care, every effort will be made to contact the parent/ guardian. Management reserves the right to remove the child to hospital in an emergency.
Any child suffering from a doubtful rash, vomiting, diarrhoea or infection will be asked to follow the correct Policy and Procedure within the nursery in relation to what next steps need to be taken and whether exclusion from the nursery is needed until the symptoms have disappeared. Parents/ Guardians will be contacted to discuss the matter in more detail.
With this in mind, please can parents/ guardians ensure that any changes to contact details are brought to our attention as soon as possible.
Please inform the Nursery as soon as possible if your child will be absent. Any absences will be charged at the full rate.
The Wise Owl Nursery is an Ofsted registered nursery with the facilities for out of school care. Ofsted have the right to inspect our nursery without prior arrangement. From their inspection they will provide us a detailed report of their findings. If you would like to look at our latest Ofsted report then please ask a member of the management team and one will be made available for you to take away.
All Statutory Bank Holidays are charged at 50% the normal fee. If the management team make a decision to close the nursery due to for unforeseen circumstances (e.g. adverse weather conditions) fees will still be charged at the full rate.
A reduction of 20% of the normal weekly fees is allowed for 2 weeks in any one year your child attends. This may be used for holiday absences.
The Wise Owl Nursery offers the following discounts for siblings: